hey! i’m Rebecca

Have you ever felt stuck in a life and job you hated? I know I have.

I worked a job I hated for 5 years, and it never improved. My old car was constantly in the shop because I used it for work, and I only made about $30,000 a year - which was not enough to cover all those expenses! Plus I was constantly exhausted and beat down by the thankless world of social work.

I soon realized that I had wasted too many years of my life on a job that was going nowhere, and if I was going to ever make it out of this cycle, I had to make a change.

Then my husband and I got married, we both got depressed, and we realized we really had to find a way out.

And that's when things changed.

I was our ticket out; I was going to start a small business that could give us the life we'd both been dreaming of. So with no experience or training, I set out on a journey that was overwhelming and over my head, but not impossible.

I was done with the unending 9-5 cycle, & I decided to create a life worth living.

Thanks to me and my husband’s episode of hopelessness, I learned how to create small business websites and it changed everything for us.

believe it or not, i didn't succeed instantly

I went through a lot of learning, mistakes, and growth. Failure after failure started to pile up.

There's so much information out there regarding businesses & websites, and I was overwhelmed and confused. And like I said, I had no formal training or education on these subjects. But I did not give up; I got busy.

...and it was worth it

After less than two years, my husband and I were able to buy our plane tickets overseas and shift into the life we'd been dreaming of.

Now I'm sharing what I've learned because everyone deserves to be able to live the life they want.

You shouldn't have to feel like a slave to a job you hate, or even to your bills. You can create freedom!

I feel very sad seeing people get stuck in a life they hate, getting depressed and discouraged, just like I was, and seeing them have to endure that life for 60+ years.

The reason I'm here, blogging and sharing what I've learned, is to show people that you can create the freedom you want and deserve. You don't have to live in the 'pit of despair' like I did for so long.

I want you to DREAM AGAIN! There can be another life than what you've known.

But who am I, really?

my Core values


I believe in integrity first and foremost, not only when it comes to business, but every area of life.
Without integrity, I believe people will stumble, wander and never find true fulfillment in life.


I believe in excellent stewardship of everything that I touch, be it my business, money, time, relationships, or property.
Stewardship simply means that you take care of what you have and honor people as well as opportunities.
It means trying to do everything to the best of your ability.


There is really nothing like good ol’ grit. With determination and a little elbow grease, I believe anyone can accomplish whatever they put their mind to.
Call me stubborn if you want, but I won’t give up until I achieve my goals. And trust me, it works.


Taking full responsibility for your own life and circumstances is not only important, but it’s also empowering to realize how much control you really have.
Bad things do happen, but life is short and I won’t be caught wasting mine. I’m always gonna do the very best with what I’ve got, whatever that may be.
“ My mission is to help people live more fulfilled lives by building successful businesses.”
Rebecca Danielle
Business & Web Design