Biz + Websites | Apr 20

Free vs. self-hosted websites

When you're short on startup or investment cash for your business, you may be wondering if a free website builder is the best choice for you.

While you are always the best judge of your own situation, I would still like to at least offer what information I have that can potentially save you the heartache, time, and yes - money - that using a free website builder ends up costing most people down the road.

Most people end up finding that they have lost much time or money, or even both, when they have tried to use a free website builder (such as Wix for example.) At that point, it can be easy to become discouraged! Still, there are some pros to using them.

Let me take you through all of those pros and cons so that you can judge for yourself the best option when it comes down to using a free vs. self-hosted website.

Understanding the Difference

Before we get into the pros and cons of each type of website, I think it would be helpful to have a quick explanation of what these terms even mean.

Free website builders are companies that offer that you can use their site to build your own website for free. When you do this, your new website is technically part of their larger website. You will have a unique domain, but it will include their site in it. And you don't technically own this website, since it's actually a part of theirs. Wix is a good example of a free website builder.

On the other hand, a self-hosted website is a website that you actually actually own. You buy your own domain and hosting, and you have your very own website. WordPress and Shopify are both examples of self-hosted website builders, where you can build a website that you actually own.

Now let's explore more of the differences between these two types of sites, and their pros and cons.

Pros & cons of free website builders

~ Pros ~

Cost Up-Front:
The most obvious pro of using a free website builder platform, like Wix, is that you can start out for free! That may be great news if you're unsure of your business and not super serious about it. Playing around with a website can be a great way to start out when you're unsure.

Another pro of these sites is that they often claim to be more user-friendly than the platforms used to build self-hosted sites (such as WordPress or Shopify). User-friendliness could possibly save you some time and effort, although you will still have to learn to use whichever builder you choose.

~ Cons ~

Limited Functionality & Customization:
Free website builders are usually very limited in what functions you can add to your website or what customization you can do. In other words, they keep your site very basic.

The Domain Appears Illegitimate to Your Customers:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but free website builders always have their own website name in your domain. (For example: This makes you look way less credible as a business. In other words, you don't really even own a real domain! That often feels scammy and unprofessional, and could drive away potential customers that come your way.

Hidden Fees and Cost Later On:
What many don't realize when choosing to use a "free" website builder is that being "free" is usually just how they get you in the door with the bare minimum. Then, after you've wasted a whole lot of time trying to learn how to use their builder and make your site, you realize you need more functionality and then - BOOM - now you have to upgrade and pay more than you would have for a self-hosted website in the first place! How aggravating on so many levels!

Wasted Time:
Many people complain about spending so much time building a free website, only to realize it's never going to meet their needs and they have to move on to another option.

Not Owning Your Content:
When you use a free website builder, unfortunately, you don't actually own your own content. That means you actually don't have the rights to your own content that you create and publish on your site. For example, any copy or blog posts, etc. will technically be owned by the website builder company, and not by you. This can lead to some serious legal hassles and restrictions on what you can even do with your own content that you created.

No Advertising:
One (of several) of those restrictions that comes from not owning your own content, is that you cannot install ads (such as Google AdSense) to make extra passive income on a free website builder. That's because, as I said above, on a free website you don't own the rights to your own site or any content that you create and publish. This alone is a big deal-breaker for anyone who is looking to gain some extra passive income through ads, especially bloggers. With a self-hosted website, you're free to do whatever you want.

Taking Stock

Let's take stock of what we've learned so far. Clearly, while free websites are enticing in the beginning, they do come with some serious drawbacks that should be considered up-front.

On the other hand, you need to also be aware of the pros and cons of opting for a self-hosted "real" website too, so you can make the best choice for yourself and your business.

Pros & cons of Self-Hosted Websites

~ Pros ~

Having Your Own Domain:
When you self-host your website, you have a real domain. There's no other company name like "" hiding in there making you look scammy to potential customers. Your unique, real domain feels legitimate and secure to potential buyers, so they won't be scared away from your website.

User Friendly:
Regardless of what Wix and other free website builders may claim, there are actually plenty of user-friendly builders that you can use to build a self-hosted website too (like my favorite, the Elementor plugin, on WordPress.) So I truly don't believe those other sites are easier to use than WordPress! You do NOT have to know how to code to build your own real website!

Unlimited Functionality & Customization:
Like I said above, once you purchase your own self-hosted website (meaning the domain and hosting), you can really customize it and add all kinds of functions to it, including selling products, taking payments, forms, you name it. And you don't have to pay extra for these; you can do it all for free.

Your Time is Not Wasted:
While you may spend a lot of time on learning how to build your own website, you'll find that this time ends up being a great investment into your company and future. It's not a waste, because you can always continue to change and adapt your self-hosted website for free, by using these skills you're now acquiring. That means you can do more and more in the future, and you'll be able to change and grow your business when you're ready (on your own, without paying any extra money)!

Owning Your Own Content:
When you own your site, you own your content - it's that simple! No confusion, legal issues, or anything. You own all the rights to your own stuff, as you should!

Since you own your own content, you can install ads and get paid extra passive income from your website! That's a great perk in my opinion, and in fact, many companies and entrepreneurs make most of their money this way.

~ Cons ~

Yearly Costs:
It's also good to be aware that your domain and hosting will need to be paid yearly. But just remember that for most businesses, a solid website can easily "pay for itself" within a month or two by increasing your sales, and even passive income.

Time Commitment:
It will feel like a lot of time has to go into creating a new website, especially if you've never built one before. That is, after all, why web designers charge what they do to build a site for you. But just remember, it's really an investment into your business and future. These skills will help you wherever you go!

Bonus Tips: This or that?

Shopify vs. WordPress

Don't jump straight to Shopify when looking to start a store. If you want to go the more affordable and more customizable route, WordPress is for you!

This is what I chose for my online store and it works great. You simply install WooCommerce and customize away for no extra charge! Shopify will get much pricier down the road for you if you go with it, so be warned. vs.

Did you know there are two WordPress options? is actually another one of those free website builders we talked about throughout this article. You can build a website for free on that site, and you will run into most of those same issues I mentioned above.

On the other hand, is the one that you can install freely on your own self-hosted website after you buy your domain and hosting. Just don't go to and get fooled thinking you're getting a free self-hosted site - that doesn't exist!


I hope I was able to shed some light on the different options out there when it comes to starting your own website. As I said before, only you are the best judge of your own situation. While I may not see many positives to the free options, it could be right for you if you have extra time on your hands and aren't too serious about your new business.

On the other hand, I would never wish the frustration on you that can come later on if you weren't warned about the long-term negatives of free websites!

Wishing you all the best in your business endeavors, and feel free to comment below or send me a message if you have any specific questions!

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