Business | Aug 28

Motivation & overcoming
Imposter Syndrome

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” - Mark Twain

Hi friend, welcome back. So my name is Rebecca if you're new here and here we focus on building wealth and living our dreams without being tied down to a traditional job.

Now there are a lot of aspects to that, but today we’re just focusing on motivation. So let’s go ahead and get started.


To chase our dreams, we all need motivation and reminders. And that’s because we have to put in some hard work to pursue those dreams. We have to get up day after day and put one foot in front of the other and keep chasing. It’s not exactly a leisurely walk; it’s a chase.

So that’s why today we’re doing a less conventional post. Normally on this blog, we do how-to videos and I give you lots of information, but today’s post is simply motivation. And that’s because, if we don’t stay motivated to chase our dreams, then none of this matters.

My "Why"

If you watch the video linked above, you’ll see some of the reasons for my own motivation. That's my "why". It's why I push on.

It’s important that you keep your motivations and your “why” in front of you. You need to keep thinking about those things in order to keep pressing on and doing the hard work. So let me share with you my own why and meanwhile I want you to start thinking about your why.

The reason why I focus this blog on building wealth and living our dreams without a traditional job is because I want to be able to travel whenever and wherever I want, as well as to help those who are in need.

My husband and I have been living abroad for a year now and I am so glad that I have focused on giving myself the freedom to do this. And I 10/10 would recommend pursuing your dreams and not waiting.

See, I want my life to have more purpose and meaning than just sitting in an office chair from 9-5 for the next 40 years. And I just don’t think that I should need to wait that long to start really living life.

So yeah, that is the backstory and motivation behind this blog. And that’s why you’ll see me traveling in the video above. This is my motivation.

Your "Why"

You probably have no idea how important your “why” is to your business and financial success. But it is.

If you’re not thinking about the future, you will only live for today, and you won’t make progress on your dreams. I think there is so much importance both in being present in today, as well as focusing on your goals and dreams for the future.

So let’s get back to our inspirational quote for the month. I’ll write it one more time: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” - Mark Twain

And this is so, so true. If you are thinking of starting a small business, or you want to get your finances together, or you have some unique idea in your mind that you want to do, those ideas are not in your mind for no reason.

And, yes – you do deserve to have success. And yes – you are good enough.

Fighting Imposter Syndrome

Many of us self-sabotage and delay starting those things that we know we should start, because we suffer from imposter syndrome. But imposter syndrome is a lie you guys.

See the definition (shoutout to Wikipedia, thanks!) of imposter syndrome in the photo below:

Pay attention to this definition. Imposter syndrome is “perceived self-doubt” “despite evidence to the contrary.” That means those feelings are just telling your mind lies.

In reality, you can do it. You have the skills, the strength, and even the expertise that you need.

You just need to start.

If you want to get ahead with your finances, you just need to start. If you want to get ahead in business, you just need to start. If you want to be able to travel at will like me, you have to start somewhere.

You have to step out of your comfort zone. You just have to do it. And that’s the hardest part.

"start-up friction"

My mom always remembers this science project we did together when I was a kid where you study what’s called 'startup friction'. (I don't know if that's the real term for it or not.)

But the term means the hardest part of motion is getting started, because there is more friction. Once you start moving, it’s much easier to keep going.

So now whenever anything is challenging at the beginning, my mom will always remind me, “It’s just startup friction!” And the key to remember here is that once you start, things will get smoother and easier.

It’s a law of nature, and I’ve found it to also be very true in business, finances, and chasing my dreams as well.

So just remember, you guys, “If you want to get ahead, get started.” And if you keep putting something off until tomorrow or until next year, remember my mom, and tell yourself, “it’s just startup friction!” You’ve just got to get started to get ahead.


So you guys, that’s gonna be it for today, but if you actually made it this far with me just rambling about motivation, I’m so honored that you took your time to be here, and I want to see you in the comments.

So if you made it this far, go ahead and say “startup friction” in the comments in honor of my mom, so I can see who you are that made it to the end with me!

I truly hope this was helpful to you, and until next time, just remember that you are loved, you are not alone, and you’ve got this!